Friday, August 7, 2009

The human challege 12 chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8

Question 1

Food producers have less craft specialization than food foragers.

Correct Answer: False

Question 2

The potlatch was a form of balanced reciprocity.

Correct Answer: False

Question 3

Raw materials, labor, and technology are productive resources used by all societies.

Correct Answer: True

Question 4

Aztec society in the 16th century ____.

Correct Answer: none of the above

Question 5

In what country do we find the Mekranoti?

Correct Answer: Brazil

Question 6

Food foraging societies are egalitarian because ____.

Correct Answer: their mobility and type of technology limits the accumulation of surplus possessions

Question 7

The Comanche and the Cheyenne were quite different culturally until they moved out onto the Great Plains and made use of the horse to hunt the buffalo and raid settled peoples. They then became more similar in cultural adaptations, a process called ____.

Correct Answer: convergent evolution

Question 8

____ is the process organisms undergo to achieve a beneficial adjustment to a particular environment, which not only leads to biological changes in the organisms but also impacts their environment.

Correct Answer: Adaptation

Question 9

Many food foraging groups have rituals celebrating the association of men with hunting and warfare, and women with generation of life. They interpret this difference to mean that ____.

Correct Answer: men and women are different, but one is not ranked higher than the other

Question 10

You live in a hunting-and-gathering band. During the rainy season on the savanna where you live, many plants grow, fruits ripen, and animal life abounds. The land would easily support many more than now live in your band. What sets limits on your population is the fact that, given your mode of technology, you cannot keep the water or nurture the plants and animals; thus your group size should not exceed the number that can be supported during the most difficult time of the year, the time of scarcity during the dry season. The land has a certain ____, or ability to support a certain number of people given their type of technology.

Correct Answer: carrying capacity

Question 11

Slash-and-burn cultivation is ____.

Correct Answer: an extensive form of horticulture

Question 12

The nature of women's work in food-foraging societies is:

Correct Answer: is such that it can be done while taking care of children, but is not less arduous than that of the men.

Question 13

"Greater wealth brings greater obligation to give." Such an obligation may be referred to as ____.

Correct Answer: a leveling mechanism

Question 14

Which of the following is not a reason why recruiters from multinational corporations might try to recruit anthropologists?

Correct Answer: Because anthropologists are intimately involved in the lives of the people they study, they can be recruited by the American government to spy on local insurgents and trouble-makers for big business.

Question 15

The mode of distribution called reciprocity refers to the exchange of goods and services ____.

Correct Answer: for the purpose of maintaining social relationships and gaining prestige

Question 16

A Navaho gives ten of his sheep that he knows are infected with disease to a Hopi in exchange for a jeep. This is an example of ____.

Correct Answer: negative reciprocity

Question 17

A network of producing and circulating marketable commodities, labor, and services that escape government control is called ____.

Correct Answer: informal market

Question 18

Cooperative work groups are found ____.

Correct Answer: in all societies

Question 19

The Afar people of Ethiopia specialize in ____.

Correct Answer: mining salt

Question 20

Among the ____, children are expected to contribute significantly to subsistence before they become teens.

Correct Answer: Maya

Question 21

Reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange are three modes of ____ goods.

Correct Answer: distributing

Question 22

Obligations by wealthier members of the community to give to less wealthy members so that no one accumulates more wealth than anyone else, is called ____.

Correct Answer: a leveling mechanism

Question 23

As anthropologists have come to understand the traditional practices of indigenous peoples, the more they have been impressed by the soundness and sophistication of their knowledge.

Correct Answer: True

Question 24

The Mekranoti style of slash-and-burn farming did not grow well because animals and insects were constantly invading their gardens.

Correct Answer: False

Question 25

About 3 million people live by food foraging in the world today.

Correct Answer: False

Question 26

The extent to which Native Americans see spirituality is reflected in their belief that all things have spirit.

Correct Answer: True

Question 27

Breast-feeding tends to be relatively long-lived in the industrialized world, due to workplace conditions that facilitate it.

Correct Answer: False

Question 28

The systemic study of the production, transmission, and reception of speech sounds is ____.

Correct Answer: phonetics

Question 29

Chantek was a(n) ____.

Correct Answer: orangutan

Question 30

The price humans pay for spoken language is a(n) ____, caused by a lower position of the larynx and epiglottis.

Correct Answer: increased risk of choking to death

Question 31

Which of the following statements about kinesics is correct?

Correct Answer: Cross-cultural research indicates that the body language used when people are greeting each other is similar all over the world.

Question 32

Admiration for a new and clever phrase; the development of a specialized vocabulary to distinguish a professional group; the efforts of the members of the upper class to distinguish themselves from the lower classes by maintaining a distinct mode of pronunciation--all of these may contribute to ____.

Correct Answer: linguistic divergence

Question 33

In the 1930's and 40s, Edward Sapir and ____ investigated the idea that language, by providing habitual grooves of expression, predisposes people to see the world in a certain way.

Correct Answer: Benjamin Lee Whorf

Question 34

The development of different languages from a single ancestral language is called ____.

Correct Answer: linguistic divergence

Question 35

The entire formal structure of a language consisting of all observations about its meaningful units of sounds and the rules or principles of making phrases and sentences is called its ____.

Correct Answer: grammar

Question 36

The uniquely patterned sounds that are unique to humans and uniquely patterned to a particular language are called ____.

Correct Answer: speech

Question 37

Studies of ____ were developed during World War II to explore the idea that basic personality traits were shared by most of the people in modern nations.

Correct Answer: national character

Question 38

Which of the following statements about self-awareness is incorrect?

Correct Answer: American children growing up in industrial societies develop self-awareness earlier than do Ju/'hoansi children in smaller communities.

Question 39

The agents of enculturation ____.

Correct Answer: all of the above

Question 40

In 1690 ____ presented his tabula rasa theory. This idea held that the newborn human baby was like a blank slate, and what the individual became in life was written on the slate by her or his life experiences.

Correct Answer: John Locke

Question 41

Among the Yanomami, ____.

Correct Answer: there is a range of personalities

Question 42

Which of the following statements about the concept of tabula rasa is incorrect?

Correct Answer: The concept expresses the idea that adult personalities are formed largely by their biological inheritance.

Question 43

Margaret Mead's study of three societies in New Guinea demonstrated that ____.

Correct Answer: none of the above

Question 44

Margaret Mead's groundbreaking work in culture and personality published in 1928 was a deliberate test of a Western psychological hypothesis. What was this hypothesis?

Correct Answer: The stress and conflict experienced by American adolescents is a universal phenomenon based on maturing hormones.

Question 45

You are studying the modal personality of a particular group of people by giving them Rorschach tests. In American society, a response to the white background (the page on which the inkblots are placed) has been associated with the psychological trait of negativism. You are puzzled because you are getting a lot of white responses, but the people don't appear to be negative in other respects. Then you find out that their favorite color is white, and that they are treating the color of the page not as a background but as a part of the design of the inkblot. This is an example of one of the problems faced by people trying to measure modal personality, which is ____.

Correct Answer: that tests devised in one cultural setting may not be appropriate in another

Question 46

What is the fear reaction of being bewitched found among Algonquian hunters?

Correct Answer: Windigo

Question 47

Human culture as we know it could have easily existed without language.

Correct Answer: False

Question 48

By applying a logarithmic formula to two related core vocabularies, one can determine how many years the two languages have been separated.

Correct Answer: True

Question 49

The gesture component of the gesture-call system consists of facial expressions and bodily postures and motions that convey intended but not subconscious messages.

Correct Answer: False

Question 50

All languages that have been studied, including those of people with supposedly "primitive" cultures, are complex, highly developed, and able to express a wide range of experiences.

Correct Answer: True

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